Cyb@rg : An experimental and universal real time terminal window.
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Briefly, what is Cyborg? Cyborg is a cross-platform terminal window. It is between an explorer and a terminal window : It is main feature is to execute shell commands as a classic terminal emulator will. But Cyb@rg provides also the same advantage than a file explorer. What do you usually do with your terminal emulator ? Well, I am pretty sure you often change directories and then input "dir" or "ls" command to have a look on available files . If you change directories with Cyborg commands such as "cd" or "cd ..", the explorer will automatically change itself to follow your new path. |
For developers : Cyborg can help developers to deploy or compile automatically applications without scripts. If you often develop with a terminal emulator and a text editor to compile and run your sources code. Cyb@rg can help you to improve your productivity. You can use the linked commands feature to avoid scripts usage, for example : "make clean", "./configure", "make", "./yourapp" can be chained and then executed by insertion order. |
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